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लहसुन और उसके चिकित्सय उपयोग भाग - 5

लहसुन और उसके चिकित्सय उपयोग भाग - 5

लहसुन और उसके चिकित्सय उपयोग भाग - 5 (Garlic and its Medicinal Uses Part-5)

लहसुन का तेल (Garlic Oil) - एक छटांक शुद्ध सरसों का तेल लेकर उसमें एक पूरी लहसुन की गांठ की कलियां छीलकर और काटकर डालें। फिर दोनों को गरम करें। जब गरम होते होते लहसुन की कलियाँ जल जाये और उनमें का सब रस तेल मीन उतर आये तो जली कलियों को छानकर फेंक दें और शेष तेल को शीशी में सुरक्षित रख लें और काम में लावें।

बच्चों का पसली चलने का रोग (Childhood Rib Disease) - लहसुन की कलियों को अलग-अलग करके छील डालें और उनकी मालाएं गूँथ लें और उन मालाओं को रोगी बच्चे के गले, हाथों और पैरों में पहना रखें तो बच्चों के पसली चलने का रोग जिसे हब्बा-डब्बा रोग भी कहते है ठीक हो जायेगा।

हिचकी (Hiccup) - यदि हिचकी आया रही हो और बंद होती हो तो लहसुन का रस निकालकर दो बूंद रस नाक के नथुनों में टपकाने से वह बंद हो जाती है।

उच्च रक्तचाप (High Blood Pressure) - बढ़े हुए रक्तचाप को 'नार्मल' पर लाने के लिए एकपोतिया लहसुन की एक या दो गांठो की मधुमिश्रित चटनी दिन में एक बार भोजन के साथ खाना चाहिए, अथवा एकपोतिया लहसुन के पुरे हरे पौधे को कुचलकर और उसका रस निचोड़ कर तथा थोड़ा पानी मिलाकर सेवन करने से लाभ जल्दी होता है।

चेचक का घाव (Smallpox Wound) - लहसुन की कलियों को छीलकर पैरों पार लेप करने से चेचक से पीड़ित रोगी का चेचकजनित घाव भरकर ठीक हो जाता है।

अन्य प्रकार का घाव या जख्म (Other types of wounds and injuries) - किसी प्रकार का फोड़ा या जख्म हो पहले उसे लहसुन का रस मिले पानी से धोयें। उसके बाद लहसुन की कुछ कलियों को छीलकर पीस लें तत्पश्चात उसमें समभाग अच्छी वैसलीन मिलाकर फेंटे और उसकी पट्टी जख्म पार लगा दें। ऐसा कुछ दिनों तक करने से जख्म भर जायगा।

what is the uses of garlic in the body what is the uses of garlic press what is the uses of garlic oil what is the use of garlic and ginger what is the use of garlic powder what is the use of garlic and honey what is the use of garlic in cooking what is the use of garlic skin what is the use of garlic for hair what is the use of garlic for face what is the use of garlic in medicine what is the use of garlic crusher what is the use of garlic salt what is the use of garlic chives what is the use of garlic paste what is the use of garlic as medicine what is the use of garlic and what is the use of a garlic press what is the benefits of garlic and honey what is the benefits of garlic and apple cider vinegar what is the benefits of garlic and onion what is the benefits of garlic and lemon what is the benefits of garlic and milk what is the benefits of a garlic what is the use of cloves and garlic what is the health benefits of garlic and ginger what is the benefits of eating garlic at night what is the benefits of ginger garlic and honey what is the use of black garlic what is the benefits of garlic bread what is the use of garlic in body what is the benefits of black garlic what is the benefits of boiled garlic what is the use of garlic in your body what is the benefits of eating garlic before bed what is the benefits of garlic in your body what is the use of garlic and ginger in the body what are the benefits of burning garlic what is the uses of garlic what bacteria does garlic kill what is the importance of garlic in the body what is the benefits of garlic pills what is the use of garlic capsules what is the use of garlic clove what is the benefits of garlic cloves what is the use of garlic oil capsule what is the use of garlic allium complex what is the benefits of chili garlic oil what is the purpose of garlic in cooking what are the benefits of garlic chives what are the benefits of coffee garlic and honey what are the benefits of cloves garlic and ginger what is the benefits of chewing raw garlic what is the use of drinking garlic milk what is the benefits of garlic during pregnancy what is the use of eating garlic daily what is the benefits of drinking garlic water what is the benefits of drinking garlic tea what is the benefits of drinking garlic and ginger what are the benefits of drinking garlic in hot water what are the benefits of drinking garlic water on an empty stomach what are the benefits of drinking garlic and ginger water what are the benefits of drinking garlic soup what are the benefits of drinking garlic every morning what are the benefits of drinking garlic and milk what are the benefits of drinking garlic in hot water at night what are the benefits of drinking garlic and honey in hot water what are the benefits of drinking garlic cloves in water what is the uses of eating garlic what is the use of eating garlic in empty stomach what is the use of eating garlic at night what is the benefits of eating garlic with honey what is the purpose of eating garlic what is the benefits of eating garlic raw what is the benefits of eating garlic every morning what is the benefits of eating garlic for skin what is the benefits of eating garlic and ginger what are the benefits of eating garlic and honey on an empty stomach what is the use of garlic for hair growth what is the use of garlic for men what is the use of forever garlic thyme what is the benefits of garlic for skin what is the benefits of garlic for men what is the benefits of garlic for weight loss what is the use of garlic in food what is the benefits of fried garlic what is the benefits of fresh garlic what is the benefits of fermented garlic what is the benefits of eating garlic for face what is the use for garlic what is the benefits of eating fresh garlic what is the use of garlic ginger what is the use of ginger garlic paste what is the benefits of garlic ginger and honey what is the benefits of green garlic what is the health benefits of garlic ginger and turmeric what are the benefits of garlic ginger lemon and honey what are the benefits of garlic ginger and lemon what are the benefits of garlic ginger lemon and cinnamon what are the benefits of ginger garlic and onion mixture what is the benefits of garlic honey what is the use of garlic in human body what is the benefits of having garlic what is the benefits of garlic in hindi what are the benefits of garlic honey and lemon what is the health benefits of garlic and milk what is the health benefits of garlic oil what is the health benefits of garlic ginger and honey what are the benefits of himalayan garlic what is the use of garlic in hair what is the benefits of garlic in face what is the benefits of garlic in nails what is the benefits of eating garlic in morning what is the benefits of eating garlic in night what are the benefits of garlic in men what are the benefits of garlic in honey what are the benefits of garlic in vinegar what is the use of garlic juice what is the benefits of drinking garlic juice what are the benefits of japanese garlic what is the main function of garlic what is garlic used for in food what is garlic used for in medicine what is the use of kashmiri garlic what is the use of garlic in kannada what is the benefits of kashmiri garlic what is the purpose of a garlic keeper what are the benefits of kyolic garlic what is garlic known for what is garlic used to treat what is the use of garlic leaves what is the use of garlic and lemon what is the benefits of laba garlic what are the benefits of garlic lemon and honey what are the benefits of garlic leaves what are the benefits of garlic lemon and turmeric what are the benefits of lemon garlic and ginger what is the use of garlic milk what is the use of garlic mixture what is the benefits of garlic milk what is the use of 3p garlic mixture what is the use of garlic to men what is the benefits of mountain garlic what is the medical use of garlic what is the main use of garlic what is the use of garlic as household cleaning materials what are the benefits of garlic mixed with honey what are the benefits of garlic mustard what is the use of garlic and onion what are the benefits of nutrilite garlic what is the use of garlic on face what is the benefits of garlic oil for hair what is the benefits of garlic on face what is the benefits of eating garlic on empty stomach what is the benefits of rubbing garlic on feet what are the benefits of garlic oil capsules what are the benefits of garlic onion lemon and honey what are the benefits of onion garlic ginger lemon and honey what are the benefits of odourless garlic capsules what are the benefits of odorless garlic what is the benefits of okra and garlic water what is the use of garlic pearls what is the use of garlic plant what is the use of garlic peel what is the use of garlic pills what is the benefits of garlic powder what is the purpose of garlic powder what is the purpose of garlic press what is the benefits of garlic pickle what is the use of garlic under the pillow what is the benefits of garlic in private parts what is the use of raw garlic what is the use of rubbing garlic on feet what is the benefits of raw garlic what is the benefits of roasted garlic what is the benefits of raw garlic for skin what is the use of eating raw garlic what is the use of eating raw garlic for skin what is the benefits of eating raw garlic everyday what is the benefits of eating raw garlic at night what is the benefits of eating raw garlic before going to bed what is the benefits of eating raw garlic everyday for skin what is the benefits of eating raw garlic with honey what is the use of garlic spiritually what is the use of garlic sauce what is the benefits of swallowing garlic what is the health benefits of swallowing garlic what are the benefits of garlic sexually what are the benefits of garlic salt what are the benefits of garlic soaked in honey what are the benefits of garlic stuffed olives what are the benefits of garlic shampoo what is the spiritual benefits of garlic what is the benefits of eating garlic before sleeping what are the benefits of swallowing garlic cloves what is the benefits of garlic tea what is the benefits of garlic tablets what is the use of garlic to the body what is the use of the garlic what are the benefits of garlic to men what are the benefits of garlic tincture what is the benefits of garlic in the face what are the benefits of taking garlic everyday what are the benefits of taking garlic oil what are the benefits of turmeric garlic and lemon what is the benefits of using garlic what is garlic used for medically what is garlic used for medicinally what are the benefits of garlic vitamins what is the vitamin garlic used for what is garlic vitamins good for what is the use of garlic water what is the benefits of garlic with honey what is the use of garlic to a woman what is the benefits of drinking ginger and garlic water what are the benefits of wild garlic what is the benefits of drinking hot water with garlic what is garlic used in what does garlic cure in the body what is garlic oil used for what is the use of a garlic what is the use of garlic as a medicine 5 uses of garlic what are the benefits of using garlic uses of garlic pills uses of garlic supplements what is the uses of garlic in household cleaning why use unpeeled garlic the use of garlic in human body what is garlic mainly used for what are the benefits of the garlic why cure garlic when should garlic be taken what is garlic tablets used for what is garlic extract used for
छूत से होने वाले फोड़ें (contagious boils) - छटांग साफ पानी में चोथाई छ्टांग लहसुन का रस मिलाकर उसमें साफ़ कपड़े की पट्टियां तर काके विषैले और संक्रामक फोड़े पर लगाये तो कुछ दिनों में वे धीरे-धीरे सूख जाएंगे।

कारबंकल (Carbuncle) - लहसुन की कलियों को सरसों के तेल में जला लें जब लहसुन जल कर कोयला हो जाय तो उसे निकाल कर फेंक दें और तेल बचा रहे उसे कारबंकल का घाव ठीक हो जाता है।

खुजली (Itching) - शरीर पर कही भी और कैसी भी खुजली हो, वहां पर लहसुन का रस लगाने से वह ठीक हो जाती है। अगर खुजली तमाम बदन में फुट पड़ी हो और घाव हो गये हों तो घावों पर लहसुन का रस लगाने के साथ-साथ खैर क्ले काढ़े के साथ - लहसुन की कलियां रोज खिलानी भी चाहिए।

आपरेशन योग्य घाव (operable wound) - कभी-कभी शरीर पर कहीं-कहीं ऐसे घाव हो जाते है जिनमे सडन आरंभ हो जाती है और वे अपने आसपास के तंतुओं को बड़ी तेजी से नष्ट करने लगते है जिसका एकमात्र इलाज डॉक्टर आपरेशन ही बताते है, परन्तु उस वक्त भी लहसुन का प्रयोग चमत्कारिक सिद्ध होता है।

क्षत (Injury) - यदि शरीर की चमड़ी पर कहीं क्षत तो और उससे पीब निकलती हो तो लहसुन के रस की पट्टी उस पर एक बार रोज लगाने से उस क्षत से कुछ ही दिनों में पीब आना बंद हो जाता है, दर्द होता हो तो वह भी दूर हो जाता है, और क्षत शीघ्र ही अच्छा भी हो जाता है।

अस्थि-क्षय (Bone Loss) - हड्डियों का क्षय यदि आरंभ हो गया हो तो लहसुन के रस को उसके वजन से चार गुने पानी में मिलाकर आक्रान्त स्थान को नित्य धोने से अस्थि-क्षय रुक जाता है और धीरे-धीरे अच्छा भगी हो जाता है।

गलित-कुष्ठ (Leprosy) - लहसुन की कलियों को सिल पर पीसकर और उसमें उसके बराबर के वजन का पिसा नमक मिलाकर गरम घी के साथ आधा तोला की मात्रा से प्रात: और सायं दोनो वक्त सेवन करें तो गलित कुष्ठ में लाभ होता है।

श्वेत कुष्ठ (white leprosy) - नौसादर और लहसुन को एक साथ पीसकर सफ़ेद दागों पर नियमित रूप से लगाने से वे कुछ ही दिनों में चमड़ी का स्वाभाविक रंग पकड़ लेते है।

कीड़ों वाले फोड़े (Muggets Byles) - जिन फोड़ों में कीड़े पद गये हों उन परे रोज लहसुन को पीसकर उसकी पट्टी बाँधिए, कीड़े साफ हो जायेंगे और फोड़ें मिट जायेंगें।

छूत के रोगों से बचाव (Protection from infectious diseases) - जब हैजा, ताऊन अथवा चेचक का रोग फैला हो तब अपने घर के प्रत्येक कमरे में और हर जगह लहसुन की कलियों को छीलकर बिखेर दें और हर तीसरे या चौथे दिन उन्हें नयी छिली कलियों से बदल दिया करें और पहले वाली कलियों को आग में जला दिया करें। साथ ही उन दिनों परिवार के प्रत्येक सदस्य को खाने के साथ रोज एक दो लहसुन की कच्ची कलियां खिलावें तो छूत के रोगों का असर नहीं होगा।

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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